2022/03/14: Initial 2.0 API documentation; motion and setup commands.
2022/03/21: Preset name argument added to Move and Combined move. Collision checking against DSM has been moved to an explicit new argument in Move command. Combined move structure row clarifications.
2022/03/30: GetTCPPose description added (formerly duplicated GetJointAngles). DSM command descriptions added. Additional desctiption added to SetAlternateLocation’s “mode” argument. Moved SetServos location for better organization.
2022/04/08: SetResponseType and SetUnits can now be stored per IP address rather than per client. Example CSV responses added to DSM commands. Robot Presets and Object states are now stored to disk so project reload will have the last set values. SetInterruptBehavior timeout value is now used as the timeout for the alternate location mode: 0 with complete_move: 1, and mode: 1. UpdateTarget can now optionally re-generate the autoconnects associated with that target.
2022/04/14: Initial RSM command documentation. AddBox description updated to include box origin and offset argument. AddFrame description updated to note that frames are not saved to disk.
2022/04/21: API specs for enabling a subset of a project added (Activate, Deactivate, UpdateInactiveRobotSettings).
2022/04/28: GetRapidSenseStatus now returns the pallet_id if one exists. InspectPallet no longer returns the package_id. QueryClearance argument description and response details corrected to state that the clients active units will be used for the clearance value. Fixed minor typos in AddFrame and InspectInboundPackage.
2022/05/02: InspectInboundPackage now returns the package_orientation. Interlock generation and report commands added.
2022/05/03: InspectPallet now returns the package_id.
2022/05/04: SetUnits and SetResponseType descriptions updated to make it clear that only new connections will be affected by set_ip_default.
2022/05/12: GetTCPPose YAML response corrected, the key is pose, not tcp_pose. CreateTarget CSV response delayed response corrected from CreateTarget to CreateTargetResult. Added a note to the SetRobotPreset description that ReleaseControl must be called first, if the number of axes on the robot is changing. Added to the UpdateTarget description to indicate that auto connect constraints will be maintained at the targets new location. Updated CancelMove description to note that it is only accepted in OPERATION mode.
2022/05/31: Preset argument description updated in Move and CombinedMove. GetJointAngles is being renamed to GetJointConfiguration, but both are supported currently.
2022/06/01: Added acceptable string characters to the formation rules section.
2022/06/08: Added SetMaxLinearSpeed and SetMaxLinearAcceleration descriptions.
2022/06/14: More SetAlternateLocation examples added. Clarified the behavior of the reset flag for SetMaxLinearSpeeds and SetMaxLinearAcceleration.
2022/06/17: Corrected SetMaxLinearAcceleration’s max value.
2022/07/01: Updated spec for Move with supported move type and goal combinations.
2022/08/08: Clarified the effect CancelMove has on queued Move and CombinedMove commands.
2022/08/30: Added OverrideInspectError, ToggleMonitorFaults, Calibrate descriptions.
2022/08/31: Updated Queuing Moves when a robot preset changes. Updated Queuing Moves with smoothing support. Updated Move spec that supports robot preset changes. Updated SetRobotPreset spec.
2022/10/03: Updated spec for DeactivateRobots.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Updated spec for CreateTarget to add a new target without connections.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Added RenameTarget command.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Added RemoveTarget command.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Added AddConnection command.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Added RemoveConnection command.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Updated spec for Move with support for external axes and triggers.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Updated spec for CombinedMove with support for external axes and triggers.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Updated spec for CancelMove with ramp-down speed at a fixed 80%.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Updated spec for SetDefaultProject to clear the default project if project name input is not specified.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Added GetLoadedProject command.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Added GetRobotPresets command.
2022/12/03: (2.2)Updated spec for UserLog with allowed characters in a user log.
2022/12/04: (2.2)Danger/risk of interleaving RTR with non-RTR move commands is documented in the Move command.
2022/12/05: (2.2)GetJointAngles command is deprecated and replaced by GetJointConfiguration.
2022/12/05: (2.2)Added move type and target type support matrix.
2022/12/05: (2.2)Added 2 cautionary statements regarding mixing RTR with non-RTR moves and robot off-roadmap behaviors for Move command.
2022/12/09: (2.2)Added 1 cautionary statement regarding mixing RTR-controlled moves with non-RTR stop commands.
2023/01/04: (2.2)SetServos command is removed.
2023/01/13: (2.2)Move command and queued move smoothing behavior description is updated.
2023/01/18: (2.2)API command string size limit is specified.
2023/01/30: (2.2)Move command trigger behavior description is updated.
The ASCII API is a fundamental component of how a user interacts with the Realtime Controller and ultimately controls a robot. In order to effectively complete a task, the user must be able to retrieve information from the Rapidplan Create project, set behavioral characteristics of the robots, and move the robots either following the offline motion plans or with conventional move types.
Structure |
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Argument Description |
If a robot's external axes remain fixed during a move, or switch to different setpoint values defined by a target,
Direct move types. Robot to robot collisions will always be checked regardless of this flag, but robot self collisions will not be checked. A value of 1 specifies collisions should be checked, and a value of 0 specifies collisions will not be checked. Default value is 1 .
Direct move types. A value of 1 specifies collisions should be checked, and a value of 0 specifies collisions will not be checked. Default value is 1 .
planning move types when the interrupt behavior is not applicable. This value is the amount of time given to plan a path to the specified goal, in seconds. If not provided, the default value is 10 seconds. The minimum value is 0.01 seconds and the maximum value is 120.0 seconds.
pose move should be performed relative to the last commanded robot pose. Default value is false . The move type must be direct when using the relative flag. A reference frame can be specified as well for the pose to be in.
relative moves. The default reference frame is world .
SetRobotPreset before the Move command. If included, the robot cannot have any moves in it’s queue with a different TCP or number of controlled axes.
trigger is an object with 3 fields:
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Function Description | Formerly there were blind moves, MoveToXXX, and OffroadtoXXX commands. We would end up with a minimum of 9 different move commands based on if you wanted to move to a target, coordinate (pose) or a joint configuration. With this new generic Caution: There are risks involved with mixing RTR moves with non -RTR moves(for example, native moves from a robot teach pendant program). The user must make sure that a RTR Caution: There are collision risks involved with stopping a robot from a robot teach pendant program when multi-robot moves are controlled by a RapidPlan controller. The user must make sure that all RTR Caution: When a roadmap move is issued, how far the robot can be away from the roadmap is defined as the distance tolerance to the roadmap node,
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Response Details | When a Move request is received, path planning occurs before a response is sent. If a path is found, this command will return a response code to acknowledge the command has been received, the name of the robot that this move is for, and a unique sequence ID for this specific move. If planning fails, an appropriate error code will be returned, and no delayed response will be sent.
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Delayed Response Details | If a path was found, the system will send a
or, for a
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Example Request |
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Example YAML Responses |
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Example CSV Responses |