We are thrilled to announce the new release! This update brings a host of new features, improvements, and bug fixes designed to enhance your user experience and improve overall performance.
ID | Content | Status |
33873 | Converting multiple auto-connects to manual connections fails if the targets to be connected for those auto-connects are the same | Fixed |
31952 | No warning is provided to user for any lost target assignments or connections when transitioning from model mode to roadmap mode | Open |
34443 | [Limitation] Software hangs sporadically when setting voxel size to 2mm | Open |
34370 | When clicking on OK in a Mate dialog, the last selected state under the Mate dialog is selected as the active state and not the state of the active preset | Open |
29701 | [Limitation] Validate remaining does not work when jog dialog is open | Open |
Deterministic path planning is not guaranteed for clearances greater than 10cm | Open | |
Clearance Rule and Disable collision checking dialog allows creating a rule with same name across presets | Open | |
32765 | Live Robot Connection makes the override speed of the teach pendant to be 100% upon connection → [Fixed] The override speed is not overridden by 100% | Fixed |
28237 | Live Connect to Kawasaki robots may fail if the robot controllers have been connected in RTR controller’s control panel previously. To use Live Connect again, the | Open |
32731 | [Limitation] Stateful targets and frame are not supported. Put in another way, any objects with any descendants such as targets and frames cannot be made stateful | Open |
33990 | Reparenting a frame that is mated to an object can cause inconsistency with mates | Open |
34623 | Numerical calculation errors cause collision detection when a tool and link are in close proximity. | Fixed |
31267 | [Limitation] RPC only works properly with US-EN locale while no warning given in RPC when the wrong locale is selected. In many countries such as Germany, the decimal separator is a comma, this causes errors in RPC. Users must change the locale when working with RapidPlan. [todo: Add to installation procedure] | Open |
4.2. RapidPlan Control
ID | Content | Status |
Disconnecting one robot turns off display for all robot voxels | ||
Upgrading from a 2.3 project will delete any existing robot control logs | ||
No warning given in CP when the wrong locale is selected
| Open | |
19828 | Interlock recording does not work with partial execution | |
DSM boxes, objects, and frames are tracked in the Profinet look up ID table. When items are created or removed, their Profinet IO mappings are handled as such, the handler retrieves the new id of the entity, and publishes it with Profinet. However, this does not cover cases where an external command source elicits a change in the DSM that’s unknown to a PLC. | ||
Planning moves with DSM object attached to the robot will be rejected with an error in 2.5 |