In order to address RapidPlan objects efficiently in a Profinet interface, symbolic names must be replaced by numerical values. Therefore, a lookup table is generated by Appliance and can be download from the Control Panel. Anytime a RapidPlan project is changed during runtime, or targets are updated/added/removed, the lookup table must be re-exported and PLC programs must be updated accordingly.
project ID: an integer generate by RapidPlan
robots: 0-15
stateful object ID: 0-31
robot preset ID: 0-255(0xFF) - may be the same under different robots
frame ID and target ID: 0-16777215(0xFFFFFF) - globally unique
object states ID: 0-255 - may be the same under different object ID
Any time a project is loaded in Control Panel, or targets are added or deleted or renamed, the user is responsible to re-download the updated ID file from CP.
Up to 2 external axes are supported by the PNIO data map. There’s no specific look up value for each external axis. External axis#1 is always the axis with lower actuator index number.