Table of Contents | ||||
This guide contains relevant information for users of Process Simulate interested in using the RapidPlan plug-in offered by Realtime Robotics with Siemens Process Simulate.
Pairing Tecnomatix Process Simulate provided by Siemens with RTR’s RapidPlan will provide users the ability to generate collision-free paths generated by RapidPlan that can be simulated and recorded in Process Simulate and later deployed to the robots on the shop floor. This further eases customers' pain points when deploying industrial robots by enhancing productivity and maximizing the benefits of robotics with the click of a button.
Deploying Realtime Robotics for Tecnomatix Process Simulate
Windows 11 Installation
2402 EAP
RTR’s RapidPlan software is built for a Linux operating system environment, and specifically Ubuntu version 2022.04LTS04 LTS. Running on a Windows system requires Windows 11 with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) running a distribution of Ubuntu 2022.04LTS04 LTS.
Installing RapidPlan on Windows 11
Installing WSL on Windows 11
To WSL2 with Windows 11, you can install WSL2 on Windows 11, search the Microsoft store for “Windows Subsystem for Linux”. The app is provided by Microsoft. Once downloaded, you can view the list of available distributions by opening a Windows terminal as administrator and typing wsl --list --online
. You should see Ubuntu-22.04
as one of the options.
To install the Ubuntu 22.04 LTS distribution, run the following command with administrator privileges from your Windows terminal:
wsl --install -d Ubuntu-2022.04
WSL uses Hyper-V virtualization technology which must be enabled on your Win11 machine. Open the “Turn Windows Features On and Off” dialog and enable “Hyper-V”.
After enabling, you will be prompted to restart your machine.
Installing RapidPlan on WSL
To install RapidPlan software, execute RTR WSL Install.bat
file provided with your installation. To verify RapidPlan is running, execute the RTR WSL Launch.bat
script. The script will automatically launch your internet browser to open the RapidPlan local web server. Google Chrome is the recommended browser.
In addition to browser and OS requirements, RTR recommends following hardware requirements to run the RapidPlan plugin with Process Simulate 23042402 EAP:
Intel CPU with 8 cores / 16 logical processors, or more
Workstation-class Nvidia RTX or newer GPU with 4GB graphics memory, or more
64GB RAM for a typical work cell project. 128GB RAM is recommended for large work cells(with up to 16 robots)
For more details on installation, please refer to the README.txt provided with the Realtime Robotics plugin for Tecnomatix Process Simulate 23042402 EAP.
Installing RapidPlan on Ubuntu
To install RTR’s RapidPlan software in your Linux environment, you can cd
into the directory containing the downloaded RapidPlan package and run the following command from the terminal:
For more details on installation, please refer to the README.txt provided with the Realtime Robotics plugin for Tecnomatix Process Simulate 23042402 EAP.
Best practices
This section contains recommendations, tips, and best practices when using the Realtime Robotics integration in Tecnomatix Process Simulate provided by Siemens
Exporting the data to Realtime Robotics
Preparing the data before sending to Realtime Robotics
3D data
Hide unnecessary objects for motion planning.
RTR’s RapidPlan will perform motion planning using the objects that are currently visible. To speed up the process, hide any object that is either out of reach of the robots or that is not relevant for the motion planning. After RapidPlan starts the calculations, the objects can be displayed again
Set objects in the proper pose (jig, turntable, part,…).
When performing motion planning, RTR’s RapidPlan will consider the objects in the positions that they are when the calculation is triggered. Therefore, make sure that objects are in the right pose and in the right spot.
Info |
Optional: We recommend setting a working frame close to the cell that is sent to RTR’s RapidPlan. This will allow users to troubleshoot the cell operation in the Realtime Robotics tools, if necessary. Not setting the working frame has no impact in the motion planning results. |
Each path must contain a start & finish pose (i.e., Home or Pounce) and all relative process points within the process. IMPORTANT – RapidPlan simulation will only work with the actual path selected during the conversion stage, not a copy. Therefore, creating a sequence you can run to view results reduces the need to move paths around per scenario and is easier to select at the export and simulation stages.
Teach a valid configuration for all locations. TIP: use Auto teach
It is expected that process points have a taught configuration. RTR’s RapidPlan will find optimal paths between the process points but will not try to optimize the configuration at each process point. If you are interested in optimization capabilities (robot positioning, process point configuration, process point allocation, process point sequencing,…) contact Realtime Robotics for additional information about RapidPlan Optimize at
Teach the approach opening for the weld guns to a reasonable value. This is the value that RTR’s RapidPlan will use, closing/opening the gun on the way to reach the desired opening at the location. Note: selecting a value where the gun is almost closed may cause motion planning to fail. We recommend to select a value so that the robot can move out of the location without having to change the gun opening significantly.
Set the following collision sets.
If no collision sets are created in Siemens PS, RTR’s RapidPlan will consider collisions between all objects with a near miss of 0.1mm, which is usually not desired by users. Process Simulate will analyze all process points before exporting to ensure they are collision-free (and near-miss free) with the configured collision sets. We recommend the following collision-sets
Robot to robot collision sets -> at least 50mm
Robots to objects relevant for collision checking -> at least 0.1mm
Any other collision sets desired by the user (optional)
If a location is defined with a linear motion type (also commonly referred to as MovL, LIN), RapidPlan will not do any motion planning from the previous location to the one specified but try to execute the motion exactly as specified. If you want RapidPlan to find a path between all locations, then ensure each point is defined with a joint motion type (also commonly referred to as MovJ, PTP)
During the export process, RapidPlan will validate the linear motions, and if any are invalid an error will be prompted to the user. An invalid linear motion is one that results in a collision based on the collision sets, or passes through a singularity.
Robot on Rail
The RTR plugin with Siemens Process Simulate now supports applications with robots mounted on a rail. The rail must be defined as an external joint to the robot and should not have any joint dependency.
Note |
The rail should not be defined as a robot for motion planning if using RTR plugin. |
Info |
Starting from Process Simulation 2304, RTR plugin will generate optimized paths specifically for robots on rails to enable more efficient motions on the rail. |
Sending the data to Realtime Robotics for motion planning.
Open the Export to Realtime Robotics tool and select the paths that require collision checking.
Note |
Preview the results
Once the results are available, they can be previewed in Process Simulate. The steps to do so are:
When simulating, the simulation time displayed is higher that it would be when simulating with a virtual controller, sometimes up to 2 times . For accurate simulation
Recording the paths from Realtime Robotics
The preview allows the user to visualize the results, but does not store any via location in Process Simulate. To do so, the user needs to perform a path recording using the “Realtime Robotics Path Recorder”. There are the steps to use the path recorder:
After the simulation finishes, the via locations that were used during simulation will be saved in a copy of the path.
Realtime Robotics RapidPlan Control
RTR’s RapidPlan Control, which is in charge of the motion planning and collision avoidance operation of the robot, also has a web-based user interface.
Most of the time, you do not need to interact with the RapidPlan Control webapp to use the Realtime Robotics plug-in with Process Simulate. But sometimes you might need to leverage RapidPlan Control as a visual troubleshooting aid for certain functions, such as changing a target in RapidPlan as an alternate location in events when multi-move command fails.
Using RapidPlan Control
Once the Realtime Robotics project file has been successfully exported by Process Simulate and installed on the RapidPlan Control, open up a web browser and type in localhost to access the RapidPlan Control webapp. Here you will see the project file in the Project list.
Please refer to the RapidPlan Control Layout section of the RapidPlan User Reference Manual for more information on how to navigate the interface and use its functions: [wip]RapidPlan 2.3 RapidPlan 5 Control Panel Layout
Part of RTR’s deadlock avoidance mechanism is the use of Alternate Location. This is achieved by enabling the option via the control panel and selecting the appropriate location with the advice of an Application Engineer.
Known Limitations
Weld guns with joint dependencies that have no limits is not supported.
RapidPlan 2.3 integration also has There are some limitations on joint dependencies, such as those used in the kinematics of a weld gun. A list on unsupported functions can be found in the Appendix.
There are cases when PS can report collision while RTR may not have any collisions. Refer to FAQ for resolution.
Communication between Process Simulate and Realtime is one-way (i.e. moving the robot from Process Simulate will reflect in Realtime Control webapp, but not the other way around).
Setting the working frame of the study >500m may have a negative impact on the motion planning results and can result in planning getting stuck. Advise to add a working frame close to the cell.
RapidPlan 2.3 integration does not support robots Robots with 7-axis and following joint with no variable limitsis not supported with the RP plugin.
Exporting fails from Process Simulate for studies involving appearances/objects without geometries.
For limitations on the Process Simulate side, please refer to the Tecnomatix Process Simulate 2304 2402 EAP documentation.
The license for RapidPlan will be included as part of the licensing package you purchased from Siemens which treats RapidPlan as a plug-in. This can be in the form of a license file or server license.
Please refer to the Siemens document for licensing information: [SIEMENS LINK PROVIDED HERE]
How does RTR ensure that the motion created is accurate to the real robot’s path?
If RTR is controlling the robot at runtime, we command it at a fine interpolation interval and monitor its progress. PS verifies if TCP path recordings that RTR generates are the same as RCS module path.
Does RTR reorder the weld sequence in order to either improve inter collisions or cycle time?
Order of weld sequence is defined by user through PS. RTR doesn't know or operate this order/sequence anyhow. What RTR does is it finds the shortest path between targets in the sequence that is given by PS. We do not currently optimize the weld sequence however the user can quickly iterate over different sequences and observe the effect on cycle time.
How fast is the process of “auto creating” via’s?
It depends on many factors: how many targets needs to be connected, what complexity of the targets (are they in tight location? are they close to obstacles? etc.), CAD objects size, hardware capabilities, etc.
When doing the path creation does RTR adjust the robot rounding?
We don't currently support smoothing in PS. If RTR is used at runtime, a smoothing value can be specified and controller will make sure the motion is still collision-free.
Does RTR generate interlock report in Process Simulate?
Not currently but is in the roadmap. Contact your sales representative for more information.
We need to re-export after every little change in the cell, does RTR plan to address this?
We are working on the implementation of incremental export function which will avoid long waiting time when making major changes
PS reports collision but RTR does not report collision. What to do in such a situation?
This could happen because of wireframe entities. You can do so within Process Simulate by removing the check for “Ignore wireframe entities” box under Options>Collision
This section provides an overview of certain Realtime Robotics’ RapidPlan terminologies you may need to be familiar with while using RapidPlan software with Tecnomatix Process Simulate 23012402 EAP. For more Realtime-specific terms, please refer to our Glossary section of the User Manual: [wip]2.3 Glossary of RapidPlan Create 2.5 and Realtime Controller Terms
Appliance takes operations exported from Process Simulate to plan and execute robot motions that ensure there are no collisions between robots.
Format of the project that is generated by the export process from Process Simulate.
List of joint dependency functionalities not supported with RTR RapidPlan in 2.2:
Any matrix or joint abbreviations:
One of seven forms enclosed in parentheses ( ):
Denavit-Hartenberg parameters: one of a i o c s d t f followed by one or more digits from 1 to 9. Examples: (a1), (s5), (t32). The digit 0 cannot be the first digit: (d08) is not allowed.
TCP matrix: one of n o a p followed by one of x y z. Examples: (nx), (ay).
Inverse TCP matrix: m followed by one of n o a followed by p. Examples: (mnp), (map).
Tool matrix: h followed by two digits each in the range 0 to 3. Examples: (h10), (h33).
Base matrix: b followed by two digits each in the range 0 to 3. Examples: (b03), (b32).
Sine or cosine abbreviation: Uppercase S or C for rotational joints, or lowercase s or c for prismatic joints, followed by one or more digits from 0 to 9, to express the sine or cosine of the specified joint in radians. This expression abbreviates references to joints in the format d# or t#; it does not abbreviate expressions using D(name) or T(name). Examples: (S9) means (sin(t9)) for rotational joint 9; (s9) means (sin(d9)) for prismatic joint 9. (C1) similarly means (cos(t1)) and (c1) means (cos(d1)). An expression like (sin(T(j2))) cannot be abbreviated.
certain integer operations:
floor ( expr ) - The largest integer not greater than expr. Example: (floor(27.9)) returns 27.
ceil ( expr ) - The smallest integer not less than expr. Example: (ceil(27.9)) returns 28.
int ( expr ) - The integer portion of expr; the fractional portion is truncated. Example: (int(27.9)) returns 27.
certain logical operations:
! ( expr ) - Not expr, where expr is Boolean.
certain conversion operations:
deg ( expr ) - The conversion of expr to degrees.
certain mathematical operations:
( expr1% expr2 )
The remainder of expr1 divided by expr2; expr2 may be a sum of two or more expressions. Example: (9%7) returns 2.