Table of Contents | ||||
Screen Control Widgets
The 4-arrow widget at the top of the Navigation Bar toggles the application between default display and full-screen.
The vertical line separating the 3D View from the Configure/Command/Configure tab content can be dragged to resize the width panels horizontally. This also applies to the horizontal line separating the Configure/Command/Terminal tab from the Status/History/Log tab, which can be dragged to resize the vertical height of those tabs.
Navigation Bar
Navigate through the various parts of the Controller. Choose to display Configuration or Command modes. Select what the status panel displays: Status, History, Log, and Support information.
Control Panel Configure Mode/Command Mode/Terminal Panes
In Control Panel Configure mode, you’ll load Roadmap projects and set robot parameters. In Control Panel Command mode, you’ll send commands to robots. When the Terminal pane is open, ASCII commands can be sent manually from the Control Panel.
Status/History/Log Panes
Depending on your selection in the navigation bar, this tab can display: the status of the robots in the current deconfliction group; a history of ASCII API commands sent and responses received; and log output from the system.
Realtime controller logs are available in Log pane and can be downloaded for debug purposes.
Advance/Standard/Read-only Modes
Different access modes are available, to control features and editable fields. To change access modes, trigger the Access Mode dialog by clicking on the Advanced/Standard/Read-only mode icon in the main navigation bar.
Read-only mode does not require access code allows read-only access to all fields by default.
From General tab, there are general settings that control browser warning and global units.
Path voxels show the space the robot will take up when it moves. When a robot is not moving, the path voxels show the dilation distance for the robot.
Access information relating to support issues:
Result Codes – You can search by number for explanations of result codes the system generates (for example, error codes) in this window.
3D View
An interactive view of the robots, their configurations, targets, and environment. You can choose to display the Deconfliction Zone as well as the path voxels for each robot. As with RapidPlan Create, you can pan, rotate, and zoom the view of the cell in or out.
Controlling the View
To pan the view of the cell, press and hold the scroll wheel and right mouse button and drag the mouse.
Zoom the view in and out with the scroll wheel.
Making Selections in 3D View
You can select a robot or a target (displayed in the 3D View as a pyramid) by clicking on them.
Connected/Loaded status
Connected status means the project is loaded and ready to go to operation mode. Loaded status means the project is loaded and the Realtime controller is ready to connect with the robots.
Enter Configure/Operation Mode Button
Enter Operation Mode in order to send commands to the robots. Enter Configure Mode in order to change settings.
Pause All Button
Press this button will cancel all moves in the work cell.