NACHI Controller Configuration

NACHI Controller Configuration


Teach Pendant Layout

Required Options

No additional options are required.

Physical Configuration

No additional physical configuration required.

Network Configuration

Settings Configuration

Setting External Motor Control Mode

These instructions enable external motor control mode and allow for computer interfacing.

Touch the Teach/Play Condition icon in the top right corner.

While all the settings should look like the below picture, the most important thing is setting 2. MotorsON/START sel source to External. You will be able to do this by either touching the External button or by navigating down with the buttons. Then, switch the radio button to External using the Enable button + Cursor right button.

Touch Complete on the bottom right.

Enabling Computer Interfacing

These instructions enable setting the controller to be controlled by a computer interface. Please complete Setting External Motor Control Mode first before continuing. 

You should be currently in the Teach mode on the controller and teach pendant. 

Touch Monitor2 on the left side.

Navigate to 7 User Inputs or click on it and press Enter.  This will take you to an Input Signal Monitor.

Select 0001 using the cursors and press Enter.

Press Enable and On (Keypad 1) together to enable it. This should also put a robotic arm symbol that is highlighted into the list of objects. 

Rotate the toggles on the controller and pendant to Playback and enable Playback mode on the top. 

Once this is done, the robot will be in Playback mode with Motor Control on External mode. The computer interface is now enabled.

Enter Specialist Mode

Push the R button on the controller, this prompts for a quick command.

Enter 314 into the prompt, requesting to access special permissions.

Then, as a password is requested, type in 12345.

Modifying Controller IP address

To modify the IP address of the Nachi Controller we must take several steps.

  1. Disable System Memory Protection. Begin by going through the menu from “Constant Setting” to “1 Control Constants” to “11 Sytem Memory Protection”

2. from the menu go to “Constant Setting” to “8 Communication”

3. Go to “Extend Ethernet”

4. Edit the fields to set the Extend Ethernet

Extend Ethernet is the address of this controller. This is how you will communicate to OpenNR.

5. Enable System Memory Protection as you earlier disabled it by going through the menu from “Constant Setting” to “1 Control Constants” to “11 Sytem Memory Protection”

6. Restart the controller.

Modify the IP Address of External Tracking

  1. From “Constant Settings” go to “External Tracking 45”

  2. Select the desired IP Address and port of which your computer is set to communicate with. This IP address will be the RTR Box and the values you put into the RTR Webapp for the driver.


Realtime Controller Configuration

Because this controller is unique, it will require two internet configurations.

  1. Communicates with the OpenNR Interface and can be set via the instructions presented for modifying the address of “Modifying Controller IP Address”

  2. Communicates with the External Tracking Program and communicates with the computer you are connected to.

Both serve a unique purpose and thus must be addressed as such.

So, as an example- a possible configuration for the controller can be the following: OpenNR (Ethernet) Controller IP Address External Tracking (Extended Ethernet) Controller IP Address RTR Box IP address