

Q: How many different Aruco tag patterns or tags do I need for my system?

A: Every Aruco tag in a system must have a unique pattern. How many tags required for a system depends on the system configuration. For successful calibration, there must be at least one Aruco tag static in the scene that is visible by each sensor, and there must be at least one mounted on the robot such that the robot can reach to have the tag in the optimal field of view of each sensor for calibration. If it is a multi-robot system and a single robot cannot reach each sensor optimal field of view, then another robot may need to have a tag mounted to it.

Q: How do I know where to place the Aruco tags?

A: It depends on the location of the sensors and other elements of the application such as tooling and obstacles in the scene. Sensor manufacturers provide models of the sensors with the optimal field of view of the sensor visible in the model. This could be used in a simulation environment to verify the Aruco tags could be visible to the sensor.

Q: How do I find the sensor serial number?

You can find the serial number of Intel RealSense sensors on the sensors like below.