2.10.1 CC-Link IEF Basic Interface Introduction and Installation Guide

2.10.1 CC-Link IEF Basic Interface Introduction and Installation Guide


Hardware Requirement

  1. RTR controller V1: Intel I210 NIC or similar PCI-e add-on card is required.

  2. RTR Runtime Controller: a built-in port that’s dedicated to Fieldbus. The controller data sheet can be found at: https://www.axiomtek.com/Default.aspx?MenuId=Products&FunctionId=ProductView&ItemId=26650&C=eBOX671A&upcat=144

  3. Compatible with MELSEC IQ-R, IQ-L, IQ-F PLC series.


Configuration of CC-Link IEF Basic communication with a RapidPlan controller

CSPP profile

Installation steps

  1. install RapidPlan and RTR-Webapps megadebs and licenses.

  2. Go to network settings of Ubuntu.

    1. Assign a hard-coded IP address with network mask to a network interface. The IP address should be in the same subnet as the PLC(Figure. 1).

    2. The network interface should be enabled(Figure. 2).

    3. Reboot

Figure. 1: Network Configuration in Ubuntu
  1. Go to RapidPlan Control Panel - Settings, select Network tab, turn on CC-Link IEF Basic under settings, then press “Save Changes“ button. CC-Link IEF Basic can be enabled without a loaded project. However, in order to export ID lookup table, a project must be installed and loaded.

  1. Reboot

  2. Download CSP+ file and register RTR Controller profile file in GX Works3:

  1. Configure a RTR RapidPlan Controller as a CC-Link IEF Basic remote device

  1. Download configuration to PLC. CC-Link IEF Basic communication starts

Startup behaviors

RapidPlan appliance will enter fault mode if the requested interface isn't working when appliance starts and times out in 10S.

As a result, if CC-Link IEF Basic is not working during the initial startup, appliance must be manually restarted to re-enable the interface.

PLC I/O Data Mapping - 2.10.1

General rules of I/O mapping

  1. Input: from RTR controller to PLC.

  2. Output: from PLC to RTR controller.

  3. Integers and DINT's are signed and cyclic values unless specified otherwise.

  4. All bit level requests are edge triggered unless specified as cyclic.

  5. Default values should always be 0 unless specified otherwise.

  6. If there's a command conflict due to shared data fields between 2 commands, e.g., SetAlternateLocation with specified config, and a move to pose/config, both commands will be rejected and a command error code will be given.

  7. Max. # of presets per robot: 255;

  8. Max. # of object states: 255;

  9. Max. # of stateful objects: 32
    Max. # of targets per project: 16777215 (0xFFFFFF);

  10. Max # of move segments per Combined Move: 10

RTR controller I/O module assignment

  • Input: from RTR controller to PLC.

  • Output: from PLC to RTR controller.

  1. 8-word RTR controller I/O

  2. 16-word object states I/O

  3. 24-word Command Module I/O

  4. 32-word I/O for each robot

  5. With 4 stations, ie., 144-word I/O space, up to 3 robots can be supported via CC-Link IEF Basic interface.

Export ID’s

In order to address RapidPlan objects efficiently in a CC-Link IEF Basic interface, symbolic names must be replaced by numerical values. Therefore, a lookup table is generated during RP Create validation, and can be downloaded from the Control Panel after a project is installed.

Anytime a RapidPlan project is changed during runtime, for example, when targets are updated/added/removed, the lookup table must be re-exported and PLC programs must be updated accordingly.

  • project ID: an integer generated by RapidPlan

  • robots: 0-15

  • stateful object ID: 0-31

  • robot preset ID: 0-255(0xFF) - may be the same under different robots

  • frame ID and target ID: 0-16777215(0xFFFFFF)

  • object states ID: 0-255 - may be the same under different object IDs

  • Any time a project is loaded in Control Panel, or targets are added or deleted or renamed, the user is responsible to re-download the updated ID file from Control Panel.

  • Up to 2 external axes are supported by the CC-Link IEF Basic data map. There’s no specific look up value for each external axis. External axis#1 is always the axis with lower actuator index number.

An example:

project: 3 robots: Robot1: 0 Robot2: 1 Robot3: 2 Robot4: 3 Robot5: 4 presets: Robot1: default: 0 Robot2: Preset1_no_eoat: 0 Preset2_torch: 1 Preset3_weld: 2 Robot3: Preset1: 0 Robot4: Preset1: 0 Robot5: Preset1: 0 Preset10: 1 Preset11: 2 Preset12: 3 Preset13: 4 Preset14: 5 Preset15: 6 Preset16: 7 Preset17: 8 Preset2: 9 Preset3: 10 Preset4: 11 Preset5: 12 Preset6: 13 Preset7: 14 Preset8: 15 Preset9: 16 targets: Robot1: default: r1a1: 0 r1a2: 1 r1a3: 2 r1a45: 3 r1alt: 4 r1home: 5 r1t1: 6 r1t2: 7 r1t3: 8 r1t4: 9 r1t5: 10 r1t6: 11 r1up: 12 Robot2: Preset3_weld: r2a1: 13 r2a2: 14 r2a3: 15 r2a4: 16 r2alt: 17 r2home: 18 r2t1: 19 r2t2: 20 r2t3: 21 r2t4: 22 r2up: 23 Robot3: Preset1: r3t1: 24 r3t10: 25 r3t100: 26 r3t11: 27 r3t12: 28 r3t13: 29 r3t14: 30 r3t15: 31 r3t16: 32 r3t17: 33 r3t18: 34 r3t19: 35 r3t2: 36 r3t20: 37 r3t21: 38 r3t22: 39 r3t23: 40 r3t24: 41 r3t25: 42 r3t26: 43 r3t27: 44 r3t28: 45 r3t29: 46 r3t3: 47 r3t30: 48 r3t31: 49 r3t32: 50 r3t33: 51 r3t34: 52 r3t35: 53 r3t36: 54 r3t37: 55 r3t38: 56 r3t39: 57 r3t4: 58 r3t40: 59 r3t41: 60 r3t42: 61 r3t43: 62 r3t44: 63 r3t45: 64 r3t46: 65 r3t47: 66 r3t48: 67 r3t49: 68 r3t5: 69 r3t50: 70 r3t51: 71 r3t52: 72 r3t53: 73 r3t54: 74 r3t55: 75 r3t56: 76 r3t57: 77 r3t58: 78 r3t59: 79 r3t6: 80 r3t60: 81 r3t61: 82 r3t62: 83 r3t63: 84 r3t64: 85 r3t65: 86 r3t66: 87 r3t67: 88 r3t68: 89 r3t69: 90 r3t7: 91 r3t70: 92 r3t71: 93 r3t72: 94 r3t73: 95 r3t74: 96 r3t75: 97 r3t76: 98 r3t77: 99 r3t78: 100 r3t79: 101 r3t8: 102 r3t80: 103 r3t81: 104 r3t82: 105 r3t83: 106 r3t84: 107 r3t85: 108 r3t86: 109 r3t87: 110 r3t88: 111 r3t89: 112 r3t9: 113 r3t90: 114 r3t91: 115 r3t92: 116 r3t93: 117 r3t94: 118 r3t95: 119 r3t96: 120 r3t97: 121 r3t98: 122 r3t99: 123 r3up: 124 Robot4: Preset1: r4home: 125 r4t1: 126 r4t10: 127 r4t11: 128 r4t12: 129 r4t13: 130 r4t14: 131 r4t15: 132 r4t16: 133 r4t17: 134 r4t18: 135 r4t19: 136 r4t2: 137 r4t20: 138 r4t21: 139 r4t22: 140 r4t23: 141 r4t24: 142 r4t25: 143 r4t26: 144 r4t27: 145 r4t28: 146 r4t29: 147 r4t3: 148 r4t30: 149 r4t31: 150 r4t32: 151 r4t33: 152 r4t34: 153 r4t35: 154 r4t36: 155 r4t37: 156 r4t38: 157 r4t39: 158 r4t4: 159 r4t40: 160