2.9 Kawasaki Controller Configuration

2.9 Kawasaki Controller Configuration


For the Realtime Controller to be able to connect to the robot controller, it must be fully powered on and in REPEAT mode.

Required Options

Kawasaki controllers must have the KRNX feature installed an enabled.

Physical Configuration

Network Configuration

The network setting should be configured properly. To do this, press the “MENU” button on the teach pendant, then select  “Aux Function” -> “System” -> “Network Setting” -> “Ethernet Port Setting”.

In the Settings menu click on Network. RTR suggests reserving for the RTR controller, and using,, etc for robots. The subnet mask should be set to

Once the network configuration has been completed, RTR suggests using the Realtime Controller to ping the robot, to make sure that the two devices can communicate successfully.

Digital Input / Digital Output Settings

Realtime Controllers also communicate with Kawasaki Controllers using the DI/DO signals.
To do so, follow these steps :

  1. Press “R” on the Teach Pendant, until the home screen appears .

  2. Press “R” again and a screen to enter code should appear.

  3. Enter “611” for the code

  4. “Number of I/O Signals” Page should appear

  5. Enter the values for each field as shown in the image below:


  6. Save / Restart the robot if prompted.

Realtime Controller Configuration

Kawasaki UID

If multiple Kawasaki robots are used, provide a unique UID for each robot.

The UID provided must be an integer value between 0 and 3.

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